Work Experience

Career Development Placements for Year 10 students will be taking place from Monday 7th July to Thursday 10th July 2025 with Friday 11th July being spent in school completing reflective work.

Students should consider what type of career they would like to try and approach local employers to enquire if they accept students on placement and if they have availability for the dates required, we ask that students look for a career they are interested in and that they aim high when making applications.

Students should complete the Google form - Career Development Application Form once they have secured a placement to let us know what has been arranged This should be completed before Friday 14th February 2025.

Parents must consent to the placement via ParentPay where we also ask for a donation towards the Health and Safety check.

Students who need further guidance should call into the Careers Resource Centre at break or lunchtime to see Mrs Manley or call at reception and ask to see Mrs Beal or Mrs Boardman.