Exam Results

A Level Exam Results 2024 (Press Release)

Congratulations to our Year 13 students at NHGS who have received their A level results this  morning. Fifty six percent of students achieved A* to B grades in academic A Levels, with 17 students achieving all A* and A grades. 

Most will now take up their place at university including Oxford, Cambridge and Russell Group universities, while others will begin apprenticeships with prestigious firms such as Mazars, an international audit tax and advisory firm. Students have chosen to explore a wide range of courses: Classics, Computer Science, Digital Animation, Medicine, Anatomy, Aerospace Engineering, Psychology, Law, English Literature and Neuroscience to name but a few. One of our students James Loughran, a keen saxophonist and conductor, will be taking up a rare scholarship at the distinguished Berklee College of Music in Boston Massachusetts where he will major in jazz composition. 

These students have not only studied hard but have also contributed to a wide array of different activities over the years. Many students have made enormous contributions to the music department at NHGS over the years, who have played in bands and orchestras, and sung in the choirs. Other students have aimed to build a better world by supporting charities and communities, as well as younger students both at NHGS and in local primaries. They have also put on plays, built rockets, entered STEM Olympiads, debated, played sports, and pursued a wide range of interests over the years. 

Through some turbulent years of schooling they have shown the character and confidence to continue to forge their own courses and we are very proud of them. This would not have been possible without all the hard work and commitment of their teachers and school associate staff who have supported them along the journey and thanks go to them and to the parents, friends and members of the wider community who have also played a role in their development. 

Congratulations to all students receiving results this morning across the country as you begin the next exciting chapter of your lives.

D Deehan


GCSE Exam Results 2024 (Press Release)

Congratulations to North Halifax students receiving their GCSE results today. It is great to see that after a secondary education that has seen significant disruption, results have risen this year with over 30 students attaining at least 7 grade 8s and 9s and 75% of all results at grades 6 to 9.

These results are a testament to the hard work of students and the support they have received from their teachers, other school staff and the wider community. Special mention should be made to the fifteen students with 9 Grade 8s and 9s or more. 50 students achieved at least 9 grade 7s and above and it was wonderful to see so many delighted faces in the Theatre and the Sixth form block this morning.

We are delighted to be able to welcome the vast majority students back into NHGS Sixth to begin their A Level studies next month - and we look forward to welcoming many new students to our popular sixth form. We would like to wish all students across the country the very best as they begin the next phase of their education.

D Deehan
