The school has subscribed to ParentPay, which is a secure online payment service for schools, allowing us to list items for payment by parents. Our aim is to create a ‘cashless school’ with benefits for all: convenience for parents; reduced security risk for the students; significant administration savings for the school.
Using ParentPay, we can create accounts and unique logins for parents so that payments are specific to each student. Instead of sending cash or cheques into school, parents can simply go online to the secure website and pay into their child’s account using their debit or credit card. This would significantly reduce our administration time and make money collection safer and more convenient as a whole.
If you wish to pay online, you can log into your own secure account pages where you will be able to see a list of items available to your child, together with relevant costs and details. You can then choose which items to pay, and following the simple online instructions, make your payment. Payments can be fixed or variable. All transactions are carried out using the highest security with payments directed straight into the school bank account.
Letters regarding school trips, events, etc. will continue to be sent home, and the reply slip must still be signed and returned to school, even if you decide to make a payment online. When returning the slip, please tick the box if you have made an online payment, or if preferred, please tick the payment enclosed box and return, in an envelope with your payment.
Your username and password will have been sent to you by the school.
Please visit, enter your username and password today. Help us reduce unnecessary bureaucracy.
Please note: if you already have a user account for an older sibling, you can log on with that and merge the account for the new student.