- An academic sixth form for those who have demonstrated their abilities.
- Highly able students are our specialism.
- Sharing aspirations and ambition.

- Being yourself amongst like-minded peers.
- A vibrant community of individuals.
- Being heard, being seen, being understood.

- What you need, when you need it.
- Be in the driving seat not on the bus.
- Create your future through personal and unique choices: electives, international adventures, leadership development.
In the driving seatnot on the bus.Our application form is now closed. If you have missed this deadline, you can still register your interest here: |

Information on the application process and timeline.

Watch our film
Learn more about life at NHGS 6th.

A Levels
A list of the courses available for study at NHGS 6th.

An insight into our philosophy of education.

Course Guide
Course information including complementary A Levels.

A range of courses to enhance your education.
Extra-curricular programme available at NHGS 6th.
Transition Work
Activites to do before starting your A Level journey.
Information on apprenticeship programmes.
Please see our Policies Page for the Admissions Policy.