Are you looking for our GCSE and A Level exam results? If so please click here
- A Level Results (Year 13): Thursday 14 August 2025 8.00am – 11.00am
- GCSE Results (Year 11): Thursday 21 August 2025 8.00am – 11.00am
There are three options for collecting examination results:
- You can collect in person (preferable);
- You can authorise (in writing) someone else to collect on your behalf;
- Results will be available via Edulink but this may be later in the day.
Please note the result slip you receive in August is NOT your certificate. Exam Boards issue certificates in November. You will be presented with your certificates after this time. Please note Exam Boards no longer replace ‘lost’ certificates, which you will need to show employers etc. in years to come. Statements of results can be issued at a cost of approx. £50 per certificate per board. KEEP THEM SAFE! We only retain certificates for 12 months so please ensure you attend the presentation of certificates or call in and collect them from reception soon after.
Hopefully you will achieve the results you have worked hard for and deserve. It can be distressing to find on results day that you haven’t achieved the marks you expected and your University / 6th Form / College place is in jeopardy. Although we hope this will not happen to you, unfortunately every year a very small number of students fail to achieve their expected results and urgent action has to be taken to try to resolve whatever problems arise as a result. Staff are available to help students – in attendance on results day – who did not get their expected grades and need help and advice.
If your GCSE Results are not what you expected and you are worried about your place at NHGS, please speak to Mr Kennedy or Mrs Pegg on results day.
Please note: Exam results days are very busy for staff and students. We cannot deal with phone calls or e-mails requesting results.
Exam Information
It is important that candidates undertaking external examinations are aware of the guidance, procedures and information ahead of these assessments. This includes how students can access their exam timetables, instructions for candidates (see video) and click here for relevant Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) documentation.
Edulink One
Examination timetables are accessed through Edulink One. Once logged in students will be able to view their exam entries, timetables and results.
To access the NHGS Edulink One log in page click here.
The Exam Office - video
This animated video details the Instructions for Candidates and is a a very useful guide for candidates and parents, ahead of an examination series. The video highlights the rules which apply before, during and after an examination as defined in JCQ’s Instructions for conducting examinations. By viewing this video, candidates will be supported in ensuring that they are fully prepared for every examination.
Guidance for Candidates Presentation
The Exam Office has published this useful Student Guide to Getting Ready for the Summer Exam Series - Candidate Exam Briefing 2025
Revision Revolution
In order to ensure that all our students can achieve greatness in anything they wish to, we have created The NHGS Revision Revolution, where all students from years 7 – 13, have the opportunity to experience the key revision strategies that can ‘achieve greatness’.
The Revision Revolution explicitly states that revision is not new knowledge but spiralling back to information they have learned previously. It recognises that a student cannot have a healthy web of knowledge if there are gaps in their learning; knowledge is insecure or clear connections have not been made. It also highlights that mistakes are essentially needed to be made to become successful. Students are more likely to get something right the second time, if they got it wrong on the first go.
Please click here to go directly to the NHGS Revision Revolution page.