Compass Newsletter
This is the NHGS vision newsletter that aims to share our vision and how we are aiming to achieve it.
Compass Newsletter - December 2024
This term has seen the development of NHGS International with three major exchanges launched; Peru, Japan and India alongside our existing foreign trips...
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Compass Newsletter - July 2024
NHGS aspires to create truly international experiences for its students. We recognise the importance of our students being global citizens, equipped to take their place in the world. Our curriculum theme progresses from KS 3-5 in the following manner…
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Compass Newsletter - March 2024
A short update from me as we end this term and welcome Spring at last. We continue our work to embed Grammar, Dialectic and Rhetoric into our curriculum at NHGS. My assembly this term focused on the sinking of the Titanic...
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Compass Newsletter - December 2023
As I write this our Sixth Form students have led a rally outside Halifax Town Hall to call for peace in Palestine. In doing so, they have demonstrated a social conscience and a strength of character which we can all be proud of...
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Compass Newsletter - July 2023
Welcome to the first edition of Compass, the NHGS vision newsletter
that aims to share our vision and how we are aiming to achieve it...
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