Access to the Design & Technology Block, IT Classrooms and the Quad
NHGS Reception
NHGS Reception
Exit and access to Bus Bays
Reception - 003
Reception - 003
Reception - 002
Reception - 002
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Reception, Upper & Lower Foyer
Take a virtual tour of North Halifax Grammar School
18/06/2020 13:33
Reception, Upper & Lower Foyer
Main Hall - 002
Example of a new classroom (room E2)
Example of a typical Classroom (room M14)
Example of a Science Lab (room PL)
Example of an Art classroom (room AD1)
Example of an IT classroom (room IT1)
Food Preparation Lab (DT6)
Design Studio (DT5)
The Workshop (DT8)
Learning Resource Centre
Sixth Form Study Area
Dining Room
Gym (with dining tables)
Visit the
Sports Hall
Visit the
Sixth Form Centre
Map View
Ground Floor
First Floor
Second Floor
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