In Art you will study three units on the Formal Elements, Portraiture and Landscapes. The first unit is a short, introductory course focussing on developing an understanding of the formal elements through a variety of different exercises. Portraiture is influenced by the Pop Art movement and develops skills in printmaking, Artist Research and PhotoShop. In the Landscapes unit, you will study a variety of artists and produce textured collage and ceramic work.
For more information about the Year 7 Art curriculum, please click here.
Character & Culture
In Year 7, you will begin your journey through the Character and Culture curriculum on day one at NHGS. This bespoke programme is designed specifically with you in mind and is delivered by your Student Progress Tutor over year 7-11. It is a sequenced curriculum and is built to promote our school values (respect, resilience, social conscience, integrity and scholarship). It covers aspects of your personal development as well as cultural literacy. It will help you to build the scholarship skills needed for academic success. Our Year 7 scheme is all about Understanding Myself. The first term in Year 7 focuses on the transition process and will support you in making the jump from primary to secondary school in our unit 'Who am I as a member of NHGS?' This is followed by a unit 'Who am I as I grow and change?' which will help you to navigate the challenges of adolescence and puberty. Our final unit in Year 7 is 'Who am I - what influences my identity?' where you will explore what makes you who you are and have the opportunity to study different cultures from the past and present.
At NHGS, Drama and Theatre Studies will focus on developing your performance skills through a variety of engaging activities. You will explore the fundamentals of acting through Performance Skills 101, learn the art of thinking on your feet with Improvisation, delve into the process of bringing a script from Page to Stage, and analyse and perform works such as Shakespeare's Twelfth Night, the vibrant world of Commedia Dell'arte, and the ancient traditions of Greek Theatre. This dynamic curriculum will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of theatrical techniques and historical contexts, fostering your creativity, teamwork, and a love for the performing arts.
In English the topics you study are Creative reading and writing based on Our World, Poetry from Different Times, Cultures and Traditions, Classic Fiction - Animal Farm; looking at the Media and Its Messages, Greek drama and Shakespeare's Twelfth Night. You will read a wide range of texts and respond in a variety of ways improving your communication skills all the time.
For more information about the Year 7 English curriculum, please click here.
You will study a wide range of things including rivers processes and landforms and where some of the major rivers are in the world. We will look at economic geography through the global fashions industry and look at its positive and negative impacts. You will be taught the skills to read maps such as using grid references, contours and compass directions. Towards the end of the year you will study how to measure and investigate weather that affects the world around you.
For more information about the Year 7 Geography curriculum, please click here.
You start by exploring different historical concepts by linking them to your prior learning and our local area. We then learn about the Norman Conquest, look at medieval life in England and continue with the problems facing medieval kings in England, before moving on through history with the Tudors, the Industrial Revolution, British Empire and our role in the Atlantic slave trade. We keep returning to historical concepts (cause/consequence; continuity/change; similarity/difference; significance) and themes (Power, government and conflict; Everyday lives; Halifax, England, Britain and the wider world) that run through our chronological approach.
For more information about the Year 7 History curriculum, please click here.
In ICT you will learn how to solve problems by creating logical flowcharts. You will use flowcharts to design programs in a variety of software, which includes HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Scratch and Python. You will also have lots of theory to learn about the history of programming and different programming techniques.
For more information about the Year 7 Computing curriculum, please click here.
In Maths you will study number, algebra, geometry, probability, ratio and proportion and rates of change. We aim to ensure that you all become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics and learn to reason mathematically. You will learn to solve problems by applying mathematics and by persevering in seeking solutions.
For more information about the Year 7 Mathematics curriculum, please click here.
Modern Foreign Languages (French & Spanish)
You will learn to understand and communicate information in both languages while also learning about French and Spanish speaking cultures and communities. You will be encouraged to make connections with the grammar of both languages (and your own!) while developing your skills in reading, writing, listening and speaking.
For more information about the Year 7 French curriculum, please click here.
For more information about the Year 7 Spanish curriculum, please click here.
Music lessons are varied and interesting. You cover a wide range of topics including the instruments of the orchestra and how to read music and play the piano. Most of the lessons are based on practical learning and give you the chance to write and perform your own compositions in groups or pairs. You also get to develop your listening and singing skills.
For more information about the Year 7 Music curriculum, please click here.
You will be physically active in a wide range of activities such as rugby, football, hockey, basketball, netball, badminton, volleyball, fitness, cross country, dance, gymnastics, trampolining, table tennis, tennis, athletics, rounders and softball. You will also develop a deeper understanding of rules, regulations and how to improve performance through observation and analysis in a particular activity. Extra-curricular clubs at lunchtime and after school run and everyone is welcome regardless of ability - a great way to develop further skill/game play in that activity.
For more information about the Year 7 PE curriculum, please click here.
RPE stands for Religion (& Worldviews), Philosophy and Ethics. You will learn about the major world faiths (Abrahamic and Dharmic) and non-religious worldviews. Your learning about these ideas and beliefs will include exploring the diversity within and between worldviews. After the first half term you will have an introduction to Philosophy and Ethics, exploring how to think and question philosophically issues in our lives and the wider world. You will then complete in depth studies of Islam, Hindu Dharma and Sikhi.
For more information about the Year 7 RPSE curriculum, please click here.
Science at NHGS is different from Science at primary school because you get to do lots of practical work. You have one Science teacher who teaches you Biology, Chemistry and Physics in different units. You will study animal and plant cells, organs such as the heart, reproduction in animals/humans (including growing up) and plants, the periodic table and atoms, solids, liquids and gases, acids and alkalis, energy, electricity and space.
For more information about the Year 7 Science curriculum, please click here.
Engineering, Design & Technology may not have been taught consistently at primary school. In Year 7 you will be introduced to our subject and complete a range of challenges in 3 different rooms: Workshop, Design Studio and the Food Prep Lab. The range of materials you use broadens as you go through Year 7, 8 and 9 , so you will use electronic components, textiles, wood, plastic, metal and food.
For more information about the Year 7 Design & Technology curriculum, please click here.